Our 2023 Journey

2023 was a successful year thanks to wonderful volunteers and generous donors.
We are excited to build on our animal welfare programs and opportunities in 2024.
Sign up as a volunteer to join us in making an impact in our ND communities this year.

2023 Animals Rescued
In 2023, Journey Home rescued 1,397 dogs, cats and other animals.
We started 2023 with over 150 animals in rescue. An additional 565 rescued animals in 2023 went into foster homes with Journey Home Animal Rescue. 2023 ended with nearly 100 more animals saved in foster homes than 2022.
Check out the Adoptable Pets page to see everyone!
832 animals were transferred to partnering rescue organizations to help the unwanted and stray animals in North Dakota.

629 animals have found their forever homes in 2023 through Journey Home Animal Rescue; 295 cats and 334 dogs.
Each animal is spayed/neutered, microchipped, and given their age-appropriate vaccinations before continuing to the best part of their journey - adoption!

We are a small and mighty team! Journey Home Animal Rescue is completely volunteer operated and exemplifies a collective commitment to animal welfare. With approximately 200 (out of 500) dedicated volunteers at any given time, Journey Home is driven by a shared passion for rescuing and caring for animals in need.
Journey Home in partnership with 4 Luv of Dog Rescue, hosted a SNIP clinic in Spirit Lake ND over a weekend in June 2023. Together we spayed/neutered 148 animals PLUS administered even more vaccinations!
In November 2023, we hosted a surrender event in partnership with rural ND animal control agencies. In a 36 hour time frame, over 443 animals were surrendered to rescue.
A Place to Call Home
2023 was the first full year our temporary rescue building, A Place to Call Home was in operation. With the support of many dedicated volunteers, this was the first line for emergency shelter and safety for 206 animals. Without this option, we would not have been able to say YES to taking in these animals due to our foster homes being full.
This operation is not an easy feat and requires hours of care each and every day by volunteers. In 2023, we had 9 incredible individuals reach over 100 volunteer hours of animal care at A Place to Call Home.
Something we strive for in 2024 is to have the ability (financially and with volunteers) to provide basic veterinary care, in house, at A Place to Call Home.

2023 Expense
With 100% volunteer operations, our funds are completely allocated to animal care and A Place to Call Home expenses. Our 2023 operation expenses for daily animal care, emergency vetting, foster supplies, medications, and more were approximately $288,000.

2023 Income
Our income is only generated from adoption fees, donations, and fundraising. In 2023 our efforts brought in $306,000.